Book Week

Last week was Book Week at Carey. As a school, Carey voted on the short listed books. We had to fill out a sheet and give a ranking out of 10 for the visuals, the information and the layout which would then lead to a total out of 30. The short list books were…

  • Sorry Day
  • Make Believe
  • Waves
  • The Happiness Box
  • Our Birds

I voted for the book make believe because I really liked doing all the optical illusions and because I think the book was layed out really well so it made it very intriguing. Also because I think that the author made reading the information very interesting and fun.

A good information book has great visuals. A good visual has realistic pictures and it is not a picture of the internet because that is copyright and because it is better to use your imagination rather than somebody else’s.

A good information book has clear information so that you can learn from the book and understand what the book is trying to tell you.

An amazing information book states the sources because you want to know were the author got the information and so that you can use those sources to research and learn more about the topic.

What was your favourite short listed book and why?


5 thoughts on “Book Week

  1. Hi Claire!
    I really like your post on the short listed books and on what makes a good Information Book! I like how your words were detailed and you included a picture that you took yourself! My favourite shortlisted book was The Happiness Box because it had really lovely and detailed pictures and it was about war and I love reading things about sad things and war. Great post!
    From Zara

  2. Hi Claire,
    My favourite book was The Haappiness Box because I loved the pictures and it was easy to read. I agree that Make Belive was really good because of how it tricked your mind. Great post!

  3. Hi Claire,
    What a great post you really gave us all of the details and made us understand everything a little bit more. I really like how you gave us the names of the shortlisted books so people could maybe look them up if they didn’t know what all of them were. Just one thing, you missed one book, that was Bouncing Back. Your post was so good and it kept me reading the whole way. I didn’t want to stop at any point. Great job!

    What did you like most about book week?


  4. Hey Claire,
    I voted for Make Believe because the pictures looked amazing.
    Which book did you vote for with the highest score for visuals?

  5. Hey Claire!
    Great post! My favourite was easily Make Believe. I think that you were right, it is layed out well and it is really interesting. The pictures are also incredible. I love the optical illusions as well. Overall your post is great! Keep up the good work!

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